Monday, March 24, 2025
Single Black Female 3: The Final Chapter (Swirl Films, Lifetime, 2025)
by Mark Gabrish Conlan • Copyright © 2025 by Mark Gabrish Conlan • All rights reserved
Two nights ago (Saturday, March 22) I watched a Lifetime “race” movie called Single Black Female 3: The Final Chapter (though maybe not; I wouldn’t put it past Lifetime and their partner company on this one, Swirl Films, to concoct a Single Black Female 4) which deals, like the previous two films in the sequence, Single Black Female ( and Single Black Female 2: Simone’s Revenge (, with the bizarre rivalry between Monica Harris (Raven Goodwin) and her half-sister Simone Hicks (Amber Riley from the cast of Glee). Monica and Simone had different moms but the same dad, a wealthy and well-regarded Black businessman and former Mayor of Houston (the Single Black Female stories alternate between Houston, Texas and Seattle, Washington) who sired Monica with his above-board wife but Simone with a long-term extra-relational partner. Simone’s mom farmed her out to the foster-care system and she was finally adopted, but never got over her bitterness. In previous episodes Simone murdered her and Monica’s dad by slipping poison into his drink, then killed Monica’s boyfriend, Trevor Williams (Kendrick Cross) by posing as Monica, luring him into an S/M sex scene and then strangling him with her whip. Single Black Female 2 ended with Monica being convicted of Trevor’s murder – Simone’s attempt to frame her half-sister having worked – though at the start of Single Black Female 3 Monica is released from prison after serving six months, since DNA evidence conclusively proved that someone else killed Trevor. But that doesn’t stop Trevor’s sister, Seattle Police Department Detective Ebony Williams (Porsha Williams), from insisting that Monica is guilty after all and vowing revenge.
Partly to escape the notoriety she’s still under in Seattle – where she hosted a successful news commentary TV show after graduating from a pop show in Houston called Tea Time – and partly because her old producer in Seattle, Nathan (Garrett Hines), has offered her a revival of Tea Time, she moves back to Houston. She’s accompanied by her best friend, beauty-salon owner Bebe Morgan (K. Michelle), who sets up shop in Houston and serves as Monica’s confidante. Simone was saved from the legal consequences of her actions by a Mother Superior at a Houston convent, Sister Margaret Rodriguez (Stella Doyle), who rescued her from her near-death at the end of Single Black Female 2, took her into the convent, brought her back to health and ultimately admitted her to the convent as “Sister Grace” to symbolize the grace of God that had spared her life. Along the way Simone had a daughter named Joy Chanel Javis (Kennedy Clemmons). By the time of Single Black Female 3 Joy, who like her mom was adopted, is a student at South Texas State College and is dating a nice-looking young man named Devin (Mason Douglas). Mysterious things start happening to Monica, including her car losing its brakes on a mountain road. She survives but is informed that her brake cable was cut, so it was a deliberate assault and murder attempt. Then a mysterious assailant slips poison into Devin’s drink just as Devin has stumbled onto the truth about Simone online, and he dies on Joy’s living-room floor while he and Joy are spending a quiet evening together. The mystery killer also sneaks into Sister Margaret’s bedroom and smothers her with a pillow, leaving all and sundry to wonder just who would kill someone as wonderful and universally beloved as Sister Margaret. Meanwhile, Monica has rejected Nathan’s proposal to revive Tea Time and instead made a counter-offer to host a video podcast about innocent people who’ve served long prison terms because they couldn’t afford good enough attorneys and forensic experts to establish their innocence. Though the first episode is about a Black woman who literally spent years in prison for a crime she didn’t commit but couldn’t prove she didn’t (all too often our justice system in practice is “guilty until proven innocent” even though it’s supposed to work the other way!), and Monica attributes her own release after just six months to the fact that she had a reasonable amount of money and celebrity with which to fight back, of course her own experience haunts the show.
Ultimately Monica confronts Simone, and Simone answers back that she didn’t cut Monica’s brake line, nor was she responsible for the death of Sister Margaret or the disappearance of Devin (whose corpse was hidden after he was killed and hasn’t yet been found). The two half-sisters make an uncertain and guarded bond to find out who did, and ultimately settle on [spoiler alert!] Ebony Williams, who in the meantime has turned up in Houston and flashing her police badge around town to get information about Monica, not letting people get close enough to it to see it’s from another city and she has no jurisdiction in Houston. Ebony goes out to the old mountain cabin once owned by Monica’s and Simone’s dad to track down Joy, only Joy stabs Ebony with a pitchfork and kills her. At first we assume it was in self-defence, but later it turns out [double spoiler alert!] that Joy was the real killer all along, murdering Sister Margaret and Devin and cutting Monica’s brake cord out of an insistence on protecting Simone’s secrets no matter how many killings she had to commit herself in the process. In the end Simone goes to the authorities and confesses her own crimes, and there’s a preposterous scene in prison in which Simone and her daughter Joy run into each other in orange jail garb and actually go for a walk together in the prison yard, happy and bonded at last even though they’re both in penal custody (and thoroughly deserve it). Would any prison in the world house a mother and daughter in the same unit? I don’t think so. Like the two previous episodes, Single Black Female 3: The Final Chapter was written by Tessa Evelyn Scott and Sarah L. Jones (though this time Jones spelled her first name normally instead of using the “Sa’Rah” spelling she was credited with on the first two), though it had a new director, Kessa Ferguson Frasier. This was Frasier’s first feature-length film – until now her previous directorial credits had been for shorts or TV series episodes. Like Shari L. Carpenter, who directed the first two, she’s quite talented with a real flair for suspense and neo-Gothic atmospherics, but she’s hamstrung by the Lifetime conventions and a script that seems to have been concocted by people who, to paraphrase Lewis Carroll, believe in writing at least six impossible things before breakfast.
My Husband's Baby (Neshama Entertainment, Reel One Entertainment, Lifetime, 2024)
by Mark Gabrish Conlan • Copyright © 2025 by Mark Gabrish Conlan • All rights reserved
Last night (Sunday, March 23) I watched another Lifetime movie with the provocative title My Husband’s Baby. This was directed by Alicia K. Harris from a script by Lu Asfaha, and centers around star football coach Damien Noble (Eddie G.) and his younger “trophy wife” Mecca (Moni Ogunsuyi, top-billed). Noble and Mecca are the co-stars of a “reality” TV show called Trophy Wives, produced by Aaron Pieper (Jeremy Walmsley, one of the few white people in the dramatis personae). Aaron is getting tired of Mecca’s do-goodisms, including hosting charity luncheons to raise money for noble causes, especially given that the other “trophy wife” on the show, a white woman named Tara (Dana Schiemann), is a bitch (or at least she plays one on the show), and is clearly Aaron’s favorite. The marriage of Damien and Mecca (just why did writer Asfaha name her after Islam’s holiest city? I kept thinking of “Macca,” one of Paul McCartney’s nicknames) is foundering on Mecca’s inability to conceive his child, even after the whole armamentarium of modern-day fertility treatments, including IVF. Things go south in a hurry when a white woman named Angela Wright (Samantha Brown) shows up on the Nobles’ doorstep and claims to be carrying Damien’s baby, which he supposedly fathered on a recent road trip with his team in which they had a party celebrating their victory on the field and got totally wasted. Damien has no memory of ever having had sex with this person, but a paternity DNA test establishes to within a 99.99996 percent certainty that Damien is the biological father of Angela’s baby. Angela insists on moving in with the Nobles and co-parenting the child with them; Mecca is understandably upset at the thought of having to accept Angela as a Mormon-style “sister-wife.”
The people around the Nobles try to work out ways of exploiting the situation to boost ratings for Trophy Wives. Mecca’s friend and manager Trish (Nadine Whiteman) suggest they work out a storyline for the show in which Damien is portrayed as a dastardly villain and Mecca righteously breaks up with him and strikes out on her own as an independent woman. But Mecca is too much in love with Damien to want to break up with him permanently, and even more so to paint him as a villain on a “reality” TV show. (I remember reading a Los Angeles Times report a few years ago about a threatened strike of reality-show writers, and joking, “It’s an illustration of the essential falsity of the ‘reality’ genre that a job called ‘reality-show writer’ exists.”) Damien has to deal with a lingering burden of mistrust from his wife because during their engagement he had sex with another woman as a means of ensuring that he really was willing to devote himself only to Mecca. Along the way Angela poisons Mecca’s best friend Trish by slipping poison into her drink, and later clubs Jalen Cross (Gabriel Davenport), Damien’s star player, on the head from behind, killing him too. Ultimately Damien and Mecca wrestle the gun away from Angela after Angela starts breaking water and giving birth just when she’s about to kill them both (fetus ex machina).
My husband Charles came out of our bedroom midway through My Husband’s Baby and correctly guessed the plot payoff [spoiler alert!]: Angela and the slimeball producer of Trophy Wives, Aaron, were in a relationship themselves and conceived this whole plan as a means of creating a more exciting storyline for the show and, in Angela’s case, getting back at Damien for forcing Jalen Cross (Gabriel Davenport), the star football player on Damien’s team, to break up with Angela because he didn’t think she was a responsible enough partner. Angela worked at the IVF clinic where Damien and Mecca were trying to have a child artificially, and stole some of Damien’s semen and used it to impregnate herself (so when Damien told Mecca he hadn’t had sex with Angela, he was telling the truth). Damien’s troubled star player Jalen had got Angela, whose real last name turns out to be “Zimmerman,” pregnant and then had broken off the relationship at Damien’s insistence. In the finale, Angela ends up holding a gun on both Damien and Mecca and saying, “You stole my baby, so I’m going to steal yours.” (We’re not sure how Angela lost her baby by Jalen after they broke up, but we were clearly supposed to assume either it was a miscarriage or an abortion.) Angela gets arrested (it’s becoming more common for Lifetime villainesses to be arrested instead of killed) and ultimately Damien and Mecca end up raising Angela’s baby, a girl. (Despite her white mother, luckily the girl ends up looking racially African enough – sort of like former President Barack Obama – to pass as Damien’s and Mecca’s child.) My Husband’s Baby actually could have made some interesting comments on the whole celebrity culture and the absurd fishbowl in which so-called “reality” TV stars are made to live, with their every move scrutinized by a skeptical public which gets to eavesdrop on them at the twist of a TV dial or access through “streaming” on the Internet. But it was, alas, the product of filmmakers who generally couldn’t have been less interested in its social-comment aspects, instead going for the sleaziest and most sexually titillating story elements. Once again, director Harris did the best she could with a troubled and exploitative script.
Breakaway (Cipa, Twickenham, Screencraft International, 1956)
by Mark Gabrish Conlan • Copyright © 2025 by Mark Gabrish Conlan • All rights reserved
Afterwards my husband Charles and I watched Breakaway, a 1956 British film that followed up on Murder on Approval a.k.a. Barbados Quest in casting Tom Conway as British private detective and all-around intriguateur Tom “Duke” Martin. Once again Martin gets involved in an international criminal operation, though in this case the MacGuffin is not a super-rare stamp (the so-called “Barbados Overprint”) but a secret formula for combating metal fatigue invented by a German named Professor Dohlmann (Frederick Schrecker). Dohlmann is living in a hotel in East Berlin with his sister Freda (Marianne Walla), and this being five years before the Berlin Wall was constructed, a British man named Johnny Matlock (Brian Worth), drives straight across Berlin from the American to the Russian sector, though he has to pass through a checkpoint on the way. Once he crosses into the Russian sector, Matlock visits Dohlmann and says he can offer him political asylum in Britain, but Dohlmann is dying (he says a marvelously poignant line, “I’m a good enough engineer to know when a machine is breaking down,” meaning his body) and his sister refuses to leave without him. Matlock gets the formula from Dohlmann and photographs each page of it, then burns the original, only just as the papers are smoldering in Matlock’s oversized ashtray his room is invaded by a group of thugs after the secret formula. (Oddly, he’s using an ordinary 35 mm camera to photograph the papers and he’s doing so in horizontal format instead of turning his camera around and framing the pages vertically – just the opposite of the way most people shoot scenes vertically on their smartphone cameras even if the pictures would look better horizontally framed.) Matlock then leaves Berlin and flies to London, where he meets his girlfriend Diane Grant (Paddy Webster – a girl named Paddy?) at Heathrow Airport, only along the way back to wherever they live they’re waylaid by a gang of thugs, who beat Matlock (though he survives) and kidnap Diane.
Along the way they drop Diane’s purse, but later Tom Martin (Tom Conway) and his ultra-annoying comic-relief assistant, Barney (Michael Balfour, alas repeating his obnoxious role from Barbados Quest) come on the scene and grab the purse. Then Tom traces Diane’s movements and asks a bartender at the “Crystal Jug Club,” where Diane was a “regular,” about her, ostensibly to get in touch with her to return the purse. It seems that two rival corporations are after the formula, one owned by Matlock’s father Michael (John Horsley) and one owned by MacAllister (Michael George). There are a lot of car chases through deserted London streets (at one point I joked, “They’ve just driven into noir London”) as well as equally dark country lanes, and Martin teams up with Diane’s sister, Paula Jackson (Honor Blackman, eight years before she electrified the world as Pussy Galore in the 1964 James Bond film Goldfinger), to find the film and get it to the British authorities. I was amused by the in-joke in the script (by Norman Hudis based on a story by Paddy Manning O’Brine) about the two sisters using different last names when Tom Conway also had a brother, the more famous actor George Sanders, but used a different last name because he didn’t want to coast to fame on his brother’s coattails. (George Sanders and Tom Conway made two films together, 1942’s The Falcon’s Brother and 1956’s Death of a Scoundrel, in both of which they played brothers.) Charles didn’t like the way the villains, Matlock and Diane, went crazy at the end – and I suspect the reason they made Diane a villain was they’d already done that with the ostensible heroine of Murder on Approval a.k.a. Barbados Quest – but ultimately it ended the way you hoped it would, with Tom recovering the formula (ya remember the formula?) and delivering it to the authorities. Oddly, Barbados Quest and Breakaway were made by different producing studios, different directors (Bernard Knowles on Barbados Quest, Henry Cass here) and writers (Kenneth R. Hayles on Barbados Quest, Hudis and O’Brine here), but Breakaway is at least a marginally better film, though Barney’s ultra-campy “comic relief” is even more tiresome here than in the earlier one. At least he gets one great scene, in which Barney runs away from the thugs that have invaded Martin’s home by fleeing out the window in his pajamas – and later, of course, he runs into the thugs anyway!
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Law and Order: "Folk Hero" (Dick Wolf Entertainment, Universal Television, NBC-TV, aired March 20, 2025)
by Mark Gabrish Conlan • Copyright © 2025 by Mark Gabrish Conlan • All rights reserved
Two nights ago (Thursday, March 20) I watched the latest episodes of Law and Order and Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. The Law and Order show was called “Folk Hero” and was quite obviously based on the real-life killing of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson by Luigi Mangione on December 4, 2024. In this fictionalization the victim is called “Logan Andrews” (Laird Macintosh) and the killer is “Ethan Weller” (Ty Moback). The show actually begins with a scene between three police officers, including series star character Vincent Riley (Reid Scott) and his commanding officer, Lieutenant Jessica Brady (Maura Tierney), all in a patrol car together bitching about American health care and the difficulty in accessing promised benefits from health insurance companies. Then Andrews gets shot outside the offices of the (fictitious) health insurance company he ran by a figure wearing a camouflage hoodie. The cops have to deal with a red-herring suspect, a man who’d been chief operations officer of the company and had resigned after a fight with Andrews over Andrews’s insistence that the company “delay, deny, defend”: i.e., contest virtually every health-care claim met against it and deny claims right and left, confident that their clients either would be too sick or too ignorant to know they could appeal it. (The real Luigi Mangione is claimed to have inscribed a variant of that slogan, “delay, deny, depose,” on the bullets with which he allegedly killed Brian Thompson.) The killer, Ethan Weller, turns out to be a young man who was raised by his mother as a single parent after his father died when Ethan was four. Then his mom got metastatic breast cancer eight months before the main action. Her oncologist told her and Ethan that the only drug that could save her life was a recently approved one that was hellaciously expensive. Naturally her insurer, Andrews’s company, denied the claim and Ethan’s mother died of her disease.
Even after the police identify Ethan as the killer, they have a hard time running him down. A barista at a coffeehouse where Ethan stopped for a coffee and snack flatly refuses to help the cops, calling it a “hard no” because, while she got a look at his face, she won’t cooperate in giving the police a description because to her he’s a folk hero. Later on a number of people start wearing the same sort of camouflage hoodie Ethan had on when he killed Andrews to throw the police off his trail. Ultimately they arrest him, but his attorney, Megan Stratton (Laila Robbins), cooks up an unusual defense. She claims that Ethan killed Andrews under the “necessity” exemption to the homicide laws, saying that Andrews’s policies put thousands of people in imminent danger. Prosecutor Nolan Price (Hugh Dancy) argues that the “necessity” defense to a murder charge only applies when the killer was in the immediate presence of the victim and the victim was literally threatening the life of the killer or a third person. The case draws a progressive judge, William Moscatello (Benito Martinez), whose rulings are just about everything the defense could ask for. Though I was a bit surprised that Megan didn’t call the health insurance executive who had resigned from Andrews’s company rather than go along with his “delay, deny, defend” plans, the case goes to trial and the jury ultimately returns a verdict. Unfortunately, we don’t get to hear what the verdict is because producer Dick Wolf and writers Rick Eid and Scott Gold abruptly cut to the closing credits just as the jury’s African-American woman foreperson (Keisha T. Fraser) is about to announce it. Maybe the writers themselves disagreed on what the just and proper outcome should have been, but it was still an annoying cop-out at the end of an otherwise quite well-written and well-dramatized (the director was Carlos Bernard) episode. I remember Charles and I were watching a TV news report on the real United Healthcare CEO murder and, as we heard some talking head on MS-NBC say, “There are good reasons for Americans to hate health insurance companies, but murdering their CEO’s is not a solution,” and I immediately talked back to the TV, “No, single-payer is the solution.”
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: "Let Me Bring Pardon" (Dick Wolf Entertainment, Universal Television, NBC-TV, aired March 20, 2025)
by Mark Gabrish Conlan • Copyright © 2025 by Mark Gabrish Conlan • All rights reserved
The Law and Order: Special Victims Unit episode that was on just after that, “Let Me Bring Pardon,” was in its own way just as powerful as the “Folk Hero” episode on Law and Order. It was a sequel to “Rorschach,” aired November 7, 2024, which picked up the story of Ellie Hughes (Jen Parker Davis), who was traveling across the country with her boyfriend Chris Becker (Graham Patrick Martin) shooting a “vlog” (a video Web log) and telling their followers how happy and how much in love they are – until it all went south one night in Rockland County, New York. Ellie took off to cruise a bar, Chris had a jealous hissy-fit, and ultimately he attacked her and put her in a permanent coma. He tried to weasel out of it by claiming a third person had attacked both of them, but the cops discovered there was no such person. That’s all in the backstory; as “Let Me Bring Pardon” opens, Laura Hughes (Jama Williamson), Ellie’s mother, and Virginia Becker (Gina Costigan), Chris’s mother, have formed an uneasy alliance. Ellie is now in a long-term care facility but the doctors there discover that she’s pregnant. They estimate the time of conception as between 12 to 16 weeks before, which leaves it uncertain as to whether the biological father was Chris or someone who sneaked into her room at the trauma center she was in before she was placed in long-term care and raped her. The SVU detectives want to take DNA from the fetus to run a genetic test, but Laura Hughes flatly refuses, saying that Ellie has had enough needles stuck in her for several lifetimes and she won’t authorize one more. So they have to go to Chris, who’s serving a 25-year sentence for attempted murder, and ask him to file a petition requesting a fetal DNA test on Ellie and her offspring.
The test comes back and definitively proves that Chris is not the father, which leaves the SVU cops with the chancy task of finding out who is. The detectives ask the staff at the trauma center for a list of all their male employees during the time Ellie was in there, and they get a list of 150 names and ask them all to take DNA tests. The only one who refuses is the head of neurosurgery there, Dr. Isaac Haimes (Mark Shapiro), who says he can’t be bothered because he’s on his way to perform an important and elaborate emergency operation. Naturally this zooms him to the top of the suspect list, but he turns out to be a red herring. The real rapist is the trauma center’s volunteer chaplain, Caleb Hartwell (a really sexy actor named Garnett Coffey), who turns out to have a wife, Lilith (Madeline Anîfé), and a four-month-old baby, Zachary (everyone in his family would have a name from the Bible!), himself. When the cops finally arrest him – in true Law and Order fashion, in the middle of a service he’s leading at his church – he insists that Ellie’s child is a “miracle baby,” fathered by God, and he was just the instrument through which that was possible. It’s not clear whether he came up with this as just a B.S. rationalization or he’s crazy enough that he truly believes it, but either way that’s the defense he’s going with. Indeed, the writers, old Law and Order hands David Graziano and Julie Martin, leave it powerfully ambiguous not only what Caleb’s motives were but what’s going to happen to Ellie’s child once it’s born. Though before the paternity was definitively established, Laura Hughes and Virginia Becker were talking about co-parenting even though one of them only has a part-time job and the other is a temp, I found myself wondering if Lilith Hartwell, whose understanding passes understanding (as Nora Ephron put it in her essay about Trans person Jan nèe James Morris and their wife’s insistence on staying married even after they transitioned), would ask for the baby herself and raise lt alongside her own. It is her husband’s biological progeny, after all!
Thursday, March 20, 2025
No Man of Her Own (Mitchell Leisen Productions, Paramount, 1950)
by Mark Gabrish Conlan • Copyright © 2025 by Mark Gabrish Conlan • All rights reserved
On Wednesday, March 19, my husband Charles and I watched an intriguing if rather mixed film on Turner Classic Movies, which they showed as part of their “Star of the Month” tribute to Barbara Stanwyck: No Man of Her Own (1950), a film noir – or at least a film gris, my joking term for a movie that attempts to be noir but falls short either thematically or visually. No Man of Her Own was based on a 1948 novel called I Married a Dead Man – a much better title – by echt noir writer Cornell Woolrich. Many quite good noirs were made from Woolrich’s stories, either under his own name or his pseudonym “William Irish,” including Phantom Lady (1944), The Night Has a Thousand Eyes (1948), Fear in the Night (1947) and its remake Nightmare (1956), and by far the best known film of a Woolrich story, Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window (1954). Woolrich’s great weakness as a writer was plot points that make virtually no sense; for example, Fear in the Night asked us to believe that a person could be hypnotized into literally committing a murder but believing he had only dreamed the crime. I looked up I Married a Dead Man on Wikipedia (I’ve never read the book), and it was about a young woman named Helen Georgesson who has an affair with a scoundrel. Georgesson gets pregnant, and when she’s eight months along the baby’s father gives her a train ticket from New York to San Francisco and a $5 bill. On the train she encounters a young newlywed couple named Hugh and Patrice Hazzard, only the train crashes and the Hazzards are both killed. Since Helen was trying on Patrice’s wedding ring at the time of the crash, she’s mistaken for Patrice and is taken in by the Hazzard family. She goes along with it because the Hazzards are well-to-do and can give her newborn son (in the book she gives birth in the wreckage of the train; in the film she delivers in a hospital after she’s taken there and put in a high-class ward the rich family have paid for) a good and financially secure life. All goes well for her until one day she receives a mysterious unsigned letter asking one question: “Who are you?”
Paramount bought the film rights to I Married a Dead Man and gave the task of adapting it to two writers, Sally Benson and Catherine Turney, neither of whom were noir specialists but both of whom were associated with classic noirs. Benson’s best-known film was Meet Me in St. Louis, based on 5135 Kensington, her memoir of her childhood in St. Louis, though she’d also worked on Alfred Hitchcock’s Shadow of a Doubt (1943) because Hitchcock felt her small-town background would be helpful for that film. Turney worked on the script for Mildred Pierce (1945), though Mildred Pierce was a hybrid – half romantic melodrama and half film noir – and Turney worked on the romantic-melodrama parts while Ranald MacDougall wrote the noir portions and got sole credit. Paramount’s choice of a director was also problematic: Mitchell Leisen, a more or less openly Gay man who’d started out as an assistant to Cecil B. DeMille and by the early 1930’s had worked his way up to directing himself. Leisen had directed the spectacular musical Murder at the Vanities (1934) but that film had been far less entertaining than it could have been because Leisen hated Busby Berkeley’s lavish production numbers and insisted that the numbers in Murder at the Vanities be shot from the vantage point of a good seat in a theatre. Leisen’s best films were ones in which Preston Sturges, Norman Krasna or Billy Wilder were his writers, and Sturges and Wilder both got so exasperated at the changes Leisen made in their scripts they sought out and won directorial jobs themselves. Leisen had worked with Stanwyck before on Remember the Night (1940), a marvelous screwball comedy with Stanwyck as a shoplifter and Fred MacMurray as the prosecutor who ultimately falls in love with her, but Sturges wrote the script for that one and was disappointed that Leisen didn’t think MacMurray could handle the rapid-fire dialogue exchanges Sturges had written for him and Stanwyck.
For No Man of Her Own – a title Paramount lifted from a 1932 romantic comedy they’d made with Clark Gable and Carole Lombard (their only film together, four years before they became a couple for real) with nothing in common plot-wise with this one – Benson and Turney changed the characters’ names to “Helen Ferguson” (Barbara Stanwyck) and “Hugh and Patrice Harkness” (Richard Denning and Phyllis Thaxter). Hugh’s parents were played by Henry O’Neill and Jane Cowl; Cowl had been a major stage star in the early 20th century and was in the middle of a late-in-life comeback in films that lasted until her role in Bette Davis’s first post-Warner Bros. feature, Payment on Demand (1951), made before but released after All About Eve. The first half of the film closely follows Woolrich’s tale but the second half veers into some pretty bizarre melodramatic complications. In the movie the document that lets Helen Ferguson, a.k.a. Patrice Harkness, know that someone is on to her is a telegram, not a letter, and it contains three questions instead of just one. The sender turns out to be Stephen Morley (a marvelously oily performance by Lyle Bettger), the man who got her pregnant in the backstory and is therefore the biological father of Helen’s son. We know Helen is about to be exposed as an imposter when we see Morley’s alternate girlfriend, listed in the dramatis personae only as “The Blonde” (Carole Mathews), at a dance party Helen attends as the date of the late Hugh Harkness’s brother Bill (John Lund, a dull actor Paramount tried giving a star buildup to). Later Helen is accosted by Stephen Morley himself, who demands that she pay him for his silence. When she writes him a check for $500 on an account the elder Harknesses have just opened for her, Morley announces that instead of leaving the small town of Caulfield, Illinois where the film is set, he’s going to demand that she marry him so he can grab one-third of the Harkness fortune whenever the elder Harknesses croak. Mrs. Harkness has already changed her will to give Helen a.k.a. Patrice three-fourths of the fortune instead of splitting it evenly down the middle between Bill and the now-dead Hugh. Morley puts the $500 check in an envelope along with an incriminating document specifying Helen’s real identity, and threatens to mail it to the Caulfield police unless Helen agrees to the marriage.
The wedding ceremony takes place in a nearby town and is officiated by a justice of the peace (Gordon Nelson) with his wife (Virginia Brissac) and son (Anthony Cowan) as witnesses. Once it’s over, Stephen drives Helen to his live-work space under the business name “Superior Investments” (an ironic name that’s one of the few flashes of creativity in the Benson/Turney script), and Bill tries to follow but loses control of his car in the snow. By the time he tracks Helen down, she’s in the office of Superior Investments but Stephen is lying in bed, clearly already dead. We hear a shot ring out and presume Helen has shot Stephen with a .38 revolver she got from the Harknesses’ desk drawer, but later Bill (though not Helen, who goes on thinking that she shot Stephen) checks the gun and finds bullets in all its chambers. Then there’s a series of plot reversals that, though they don’t appear to be Cornell Woolrich’s work, have his fingerprints all over them: first [spoiler alert!], Mrs. Harkness writes a dying declaration just before she croaks from a heart attack in which she confesses to the murder herself, saying she sneaked over to Stephen’s live-work space and shot him to spare Helen, whom she’s come to love as part of her family, from his schemes. Then [double spoiler alert!] it turns out that both Helen’s and Mrs. Harkness’s guns were .38’s and Stephen was shot with a .32 – and “The Blonde” was the actual killer. No Man of Her Own is one of those frustrating films that could have been great, especially with writers more sensitive to the noir world than Sally Benson and Catherine Turney, and with a better leading man as well. TCM showed it as part of a night of Stanwyck’s crime films that also included Billy Wilder’s film noir masterpiece, Double Indemnity (1944), as well as Anatole Litvak’s Sorry, Wrong Number (1948) – and when I posted to moviemagg about Sorry, Wrong Number (, I expressed the wish that John Garfield could have been her leading man in that film instead of the comparatively wooden Burt Lancaster.
Garfield would also have been a far better choice to play Bill Harkness in No Man of Her Own – though part of the problem there lay with Benson and Turney, who put absolutely nothing in their script about the obvious unease Bill would feel about dating and falling in love with his sister-in-law (not that Lund could have acted it effectively if they had). The film does include a marvelous dialogue exchange in which Helen, recovering in the hospital from the train crash, casually asks one of the nurses who’s paying for her care. She’s told – no surprise – that the Harknesses are because they consider her “family” and her son to be their long-awaited grandchild. If they weren’t, the nurse explains, she’d be in the “charity ward” and get either substandard care or almost none at all. It’s a neat little indictment of America’s preposterous profit-driven health care system at a time when Congressional Republicans and conservative Democrats had just blocked President Harry Truman’s proposal for national health insurance. It also contains snatches of voice-over dialogue from Stanwyck’s character, expressing her skepticism that she can maintain the “Patrice Harkness” identity forever and she’s bound to get caught sometime. There’s even a neat borrowing from the Ken Maynard Western Smoking Guns in which Helen inadvertently almost gives the game away when she doesn’t recognize the song “Molly Malone,” which was the real Hugh Harkness’s favorite – though fortunately for her the elder Harknesses write that off as a memory lapse caused by the accident. (In Smoking Guns the scene was reversed: the impostor plays a music-box record of a song the person he’s posing as actively hated.) What saves No Man of Her Own is Stanwyck’s typically intense performance as Helen a.k.a. Patrice – and equally fine work by Jane Cowl as well as two first-rate bad guys in Lyle Bettger and Carole Mathews, whose appearances (especially Mathews’s) are indelible. Mathews should have had a major career in these sorts of femme fatale roles; instead her career got sidetracked into the wilderness of series television.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Murder on Approval, a.k.a. Barbados Quest (The Barbour Corporation, Screenbound International Pictures, 1955)
by Mark Gabrish Conlan • Copyright © 2025 by Mark Gabrish Conlan • All rights reserved
Last night (Monday, March 17) my husband Charles and I watched an intriguing movie on YouTube, a 1955 British crime thriller alternately called Barbados Quest and Murder on Approval. I’m guessing the producing studio, the Barbour Corporation, had second thoughts about calling it Barbados Quest because that would have led audiences to believe all or some of it took place in Barbados, and none of it does. I jokingly called it The Maltese Stamp when I introduced it to Charles, little realizing how right I was! The MacGuffin is a super-rare (only four copies known to exist, and three are locked up in private collections and never publicly exhibited) postage stamp called the “Barbados Overprint.” An American collector, J. D. Everleigh (Launce Maraschal), has paid a British stamp dealer, Robert Coburn (Campbell Cotts), 10,000 pounds for the Barbados Overprint that was the prize possession of the late Lord Hawksley, a major philatelist. (Yes, there are the inevitable puns on the word “philatelist.”) Only Everleigh didn’t deal with Coburn directly but instead with someone posing as the stamp dealer’s agent, Geoffrey Blake (Brian Worth), and once he gets back to America (New York City, to be precise) Everleigh becomes convinced the stamp is counterfeit and made up as part of a crooked scheme to swindle him. To solve the crime and recover either the real stamp, the money, or both, Everleigh turns to international private detective Tom Martin (Tom Conway in his first of two films in this character, which is basically Tom Lawrence a.k.a.The Falcon in a new disguise) who orders him to go to London and get to the bottom of the missing stamp business. Martin crosses paths with Hawksley’s widow (Grace Arnold), who disclaims any knowledge of her late husband’s stamp collection but is well aware of the value of the Barbados Overprint, and also her secretary, Jean Larson (Delphi Lawrence, the female lead). The Hawksley stamp collection is supposed to be auctioned off in six months’ time but certain items in it, including the Barbados Overprint, are being sold clandestinely. Blake swore Everleigh to secrecy for six months when he bought the Barbados Overprint (or the fake one substituted for it) so as not to interfere with the planned auction.
Martin and Larson investigate the crime together – the two drive a really cool-looking Jaguar sedan with doors that open the opposite ways from most cars, then or now – and they find a circus poster that gives them a clue. They become convinced that whoever engraved the poster also made the phony plates to print replicas of the Barbados Overprint (so the plot not only resembles Dashiell Hammett’s The Maltese Falcon but Raymond Chandler’s The High Window, in which multiple copies of a super-rare American coin, the Brasher Doubloon, were created and circulated by fraudsters, and in both The High Window and Murder on Approval one of the criminals turns out to be a long-suffering young relative of the rightful owner). The engraver turns out to be Stefan Gordoni (Ronan O’Casey), only he’s murdered by one of his co-conspirators just before Martin can interview him. At first we’re led to believe that Robert Coburn was just an innocent victim and Geoffrey Blake had posed as his agent to defraud the American stamp collector, but later it turns out Coburn actually masterminded the plot and hired Gordoni to create the plates to print the fake Barbados Overprints. What’s more [spoiler alert!], Larson, who seemed to be just a nice young career girl and a suitable match for Martin, turns out to be part of the plot herself, which Martin doesn’t figure out until the final scene, a confrontation at the Hawksley estate in which she holds a gun on him. Ultimately Martin weasels his way out of the threatening situation, the bad guys get arrested and he is on his way back to New York with the real stamp – only at the airport he’s momentarily (or maybe not so momentarily) distracted by the sight of a hot young woman, and there he goes again.
A lot of the Falcon movies Tom Conway starred in at RKO in the mid-1940’s also ended that way – the Conway character swearing off women and then tearing off after one. Like his brother, George Sanders (Conway chose to use a different last name precisely to avoid riding the coattails of his more famous brother), Conway was starting to look rather seedy by the 1950’s. His best films were his three for Val Lewton’s horror unit at RKO: Jacques Tourneur’s Cat People and I Walked with a Zombie (both 1942) and Mark Robson’s The Seventh Victim (1943). According to, Murder on Approval a.k.a. Barbados Quest was supposed to be the start of a Falcon-style series, but only one other, Breakaway (1956), was made. More’s the pity, for despite its derivations, Murder on Approval a.k.a. Barbados Quest is a reasonably entertaining thriller even though the sheer number of characters in on the phony stamp plot somewhat beggars the imagination!
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